We have created this business directory to list all the businesses that are located within Humboldt and the surrounding areas. If your business is not listed, please visit the appropriate area(s) and submit your business for approval. You can have your business listed within more than one category, but your business can only be listed in appropriate categories. At this time, we do not charge any fees for listing your Humboldt business and web site address. A small fee will be charged for listing a business within the Humboldt trading area. Request pricing information.
Businesses can be listed with or without a web site address. If you do not have a web site for your business and have been thinking of getting one developed, you can contact The COMPUTICA Group for a special deal. Quote "City of Humboldt Special" when ordering a web design.
| Top > Retail - Clothing
If you have any problems submitting a link for approval, please contact the webmaster for help. PLEASE NOTE: The City of Humboldt reserves the right to disapprove, edit or delete any listings submitted or already listed within the Business Directory. The City of Humboldt is not responsible, nor does it necessarily approve or condone the contents of any web site listed within the Business Directory.