�� 1. ���� Call to Order.


�� 2. ���� Adopt Agenda.


�� 3. ���� Approve Minutes.

����������� a) ������� Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held January 14, 2003.


4. ��� Delegations.

a)                 Dr. Jim Dosmann � Humboldt Lung Study; 7:30 p.m.

b)                 Hudson Bay Route Association; 8:00 p.m.


�� 5. ���� Correspondence Report.

����������� �A� Items Requiring Council Resolution.

����������� a)�������� Cameron KayterFour Way Stop Signs on Main St. & 6th Ave.


����������� �B� Items Received For Information Only.


a)                 Minutes of the REACT Waste Management District Authority

Held December 4, 2020.

b)                 FCM � Members� Advisory; Letter to Prime Minister

c)                  Minutes of the Reid-Thompson Public Library Board Meeting held January 8, 2021.

d)                 Minutes of St. Elizabeth�s Hospital Advisory Board Meeting held February 25, 2021


�� 6. ���� Committee Reports:

A.                 Minutes of the Administration, andPromotion Committee Meeting held January 20, 2021

i)                    Humboldt School Division � Enforcement of �Authorized Parking


B.                 Minutes of the Leisure Services Committee Meeting held January 21, 2021.


�� 7. ���� City Commissioner�s Report.


�� 8.��� Financial Statements.

a)                 Accounts Payable for the period ending January 28, 2003

b)                 Bank Reconciliation for the month of December, 2002.

c)                  Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the period ending December 31, 2020.


�� 9. ���� Bylaws:

a)�������� Bylaw No. 03/2003 � Amendment to Zoning Bylaw


10.             Unfinished Business.

a) ������� Report from Leisure Services Director � Sound System at Pool








Page Two

January 28, 2003 Agenda




11. ����� New Business.

A. ������ 2003 Appointments to Boards and Committees:

Reid-Thompson Public Library Board

1)                 Beverly Weyland � Resigned

2)                 Margaret Langevin - Resigned

3)                 Wendy Burton � Remain on Board

4)                 Heather Andre � Remain on Board

5)                 Cathy Nickel � Remain on Board

6)                 Lesley Nordick � Remain on Board

7)                 Sandi Dunne � New member to be appointed.

8)                 Council Representative � Darlene Cash


Humboldt and District Museum and Gallery Board

a)�������� Term expires January 31, 2021

1) Al Hingley � Remain on Board

2) Miriam Spenrath � Remain on Board

3) Ed Novecosky � Remain on Board

4) Louise Mueller � Resigned

5) Carol Oleksyn � New member to be appointed.


b) ������� Term to Expire January 31, 2021

1) Ron Bell

2) Laura Grant

3) Council Representative � Jack Tuchscherer


Waldsea Lake Regional Park Authority

����������������������������������� 1) Carolyn Galka � Remain on Board

2) Rick Howse � Remain on Board

3) Raphael Merkosky � Remain on Board

4) Eileen Germaine � Remain on Board

5) Wayne Andre � Remain on Board

6) Council Representative � Jerry Weyland


Council is to appoint half of the board for a one-year term and the other half

to a two-year term as requested by the Authority.









Notes/Reminders Available for Council Perusal: